
Every member of 圣安东尼奥学院 community has a responsibility to use good computing habits to protect 圣安东尼奥学院’s computers, network and information.  Office of Technology Services (OTS) advises the college on how to ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability of vital information technology resources and information.




网络钓鱼 & 电子邮件骗局

文件共享 & 文案




Physical Device Security






OTS recommends that all computer users regularly back up their data in order to prevent information loss in the case of a disk failure or a natural disaster.  We recommend at the very least backing up files that are frequently charged.  Select link to view some strategies that can help you avoid losing any of the data stored on your personal computer.

Tips to Improve Security of your Computer and Data

  • Never share your user password with others.
  • 我们的大学 or other entitites will never request your username, password or other personal information by email.  Please do not respond to emails requesting personal information.
  • Secure your computer equipment including laptops, media tablets, smart phones in a safe environment.
  • Use secure network connection wherever possible when accessing data.  Secure connection prevents unwanted viewing of your electronic communication.


请填写 资讯科技保安表格 to describe the security incident.  重要的: If the incident poses any immediate danger, please call 911 to contact law enforcement authorities immediately.  The types of incidents you report include: 

  • Unauthorized exposure of private personal information (which may lead to identity theft or misrepresentation)
  • Computer break-ins and other unauthorized use of 圣安东尼奥学院 systems or data
  • Unauthorized changes to computer or software
  • Equipment theft or loss
  • Interference with the intended use of information technology resources